My Content System in Notion

After a great presentation by Sam Julian for Hashcode's Bootcamp, I put together my own Content System.

I am an avid Notion user and created a new database with a Kanban board and a couple of list views. Sam outlined both the creation steps and the post-publishing steps with great clarity. It is really beneficial to have the blogging process broken down into smaller steps, less overwhelming.

So my Kanban board provides me an overview of all the posts I have in the pipeline and where each post is in the process. The board is sorted by Status (no status, Draft, Create, Publish, Promote, and Garden). I added cards under each section with Sam's pointers for each step, little reminders. I will be using the "no status" section as a scratchpad for blog post ideas. Once an idea is ready to be worked on it will enter the production process by going to Drafts.


Besides the post Status, I added more fields to track key dates (date started, date published, and when it was last updated). I also added fields for URLs (original post, Hashnode post, and post).


But, I really needed to break the process down more. Hence, two list views, one for the creation process, and a second for the post-publishing process.

When I'm in the writing zone, the Writing List will allow me to focus on just the writing.


The Post-Publish List will allow me to focus on just the promotion and maintenance of my posts.


I like processes broken down into smaller steps and I want to extend a special thank you to Sam Julian and Hashcode's Bootcamp team for the inspiration and guidance!